Machine Bangers
The machine banger is the player who pounds or slaps the spin button with such force that it vibrates the machine. The other players can usually hear the “slapping” sound three rows away. It’s almost as if they think the spin button is activated by sound and the louder they slap the more the credits the machine will pay.
Machine Beaters
The machine beater is similar to the machine banger only they play with much more anger. Instead of using an open hand they will beat the spin button with a clenched fist. A losing spin is likely to provoke an occasional kick to the base of the machine or a slap to the front display panel of the machine. This may be accompanied by enough profanity to make a sailor blush. As with the machine banger you can only hope that they will wear themselves out or sustain an injury causing them to go away seeking medical help for their injuries.
The Lounger
The lounger is the player who uses the shelf in between the machines as a foot rest. The player will lean back in his seat and prop his dirty boot or shoe up on the ledge. Any drink glasses or ash trays that may have been on the edge are likely to topple over which of course will be ignored. After a few hours of play if they player experiences cramping in the leg they are likely to fully extend it and place it on the seat of the adjacent machine. If asked nicely the player may remove the leg to allow another player to use the unoccupied machine. Leg removal may be accompanied by a grunt, sigh or other expression of inconvenience. With any luck this may force them to go seek a more comfortable location such as the booth in the coffee shop or bench in the bus lounge.
The Talker
This player wants to talk to you as you play. They want to know where you are from where you are staying and many other personal questions that you may not want to answer. Ignoring them or grunting short answers in hopes that they will take a hint to leave you alone may prompt the opposite response. They will then launch into a monologue telling you their life story or all about their latest winning or losing streak. If pretending not to understand the language they are speaking does not deter them you might have to resort to ear plugs.
The Novice
The novice player will usually sit next to you when you are playing video poker. They usually haven’t got a clue as to which game they are playing let alone which cards to hold. Instead of learning the game first or bringing a strategy card with them, they find it much easier to lean over and ask you how to play a hand. Usually the quickest way to dispatch this player is to advise then to throw away that winning pair of jacks and draw to the inside straight. Hopefully they will leave after a run of bad luck depletes their money supply.
Group Players
Group players can be extremely rude and annoying because you are dealing with more than one of them. One person actually plays the machine while the others cheer them on. The group is loud and noisy and they jump up and down and scream at the smallest win. This would not be so bad but in the crowded area they tend to bump into you or your chair as you try to enjoy your own game. It is not only distracting but it can be very annoying if they are too boisterous or loud. Sometimes you will find “friends” of players sitting in the seats of the machines on either side of the player even though they are not playing. Sooner or later one or two of the group will become bored and force the big player to take the entourage to look for other excitement.
The Smoker
When I sit down to play a machine I scout out the area first to make sure I am not sitting next to a smoker. If I see a smoker I will not sit down as they were their first and I don’t want to deal with their smoke. Many smokers don’t extend the same courtesy in return. They will sit down next to you and move the ash tray to the space between your machine and theirs even if the machine on the other side is unoccupied. No matter how good the ventilation system is in the casino the smoke will always flow directly to the non smoker. Fanning the air with your hand in hopes of pushing the smoke away from you usually goes unnoticed. A portable fan or better yet a mini leaf blower may get their attention but will just result in ugly stares as if you were the offending party fouling the air. The worst of the smokers are the ones who feel that coin tray can also be used as an ash tray. Unfortunately the only way to get away from the smoker is to leave. After all the smoke doesn’t bother them, so why should it bother you.
I’m sure none of the readers would fall into any of these categories of offense behavior and hopefully the next time you go to the casino take you won’t encounter any of these types of players.
Have Fun!
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